Logo Lettering

Week 2

Week 4

Week 3

Here you will find the sermon from February 1st along with the Scripture verses and songs from that Sunday. Click play to watch the video, and click the links to view the verses and songs.


God Is Light

“Do we want to walk in the light as he is in the light?”

In 1 John 1:5-7, John introduces the reader to the theme of light and darkness.  This will be a prominent theme throughout the remainder of the book, and shows up in other places within John’s writings as well (John 1 and John 8).  In these verses, John unpacks that believers in Christ will want to know other believers, and will want to be known themselves. They will want to “walk in the light” (verse 7).  The light analogy also emphasizes the holiness of God, and elevates the person and work of Christ.


1 John 1:5-7

Sunday Setlist

We will sing these songs together during our Sunday morning gathering. We hope you will take these songs and listen to them throughout your week to be reminded of the gospel.